
Understanding this Resource
Welcome to This Resource on Local Government Governance

What Does this Resource Concern?

This resource concerns the various local government action to drive social and economic inclusion of individuals with a disability. This resource intends to provide adequate information that allows local governments to build and improve their capacity to drive inclusion for people with disability.

It provides an overview of actions taken by various local governments across Australia. In turn, it provides an opportunity through which local governments can draw on the vast experience of various local governments. This way, it easier for local governments to develop effective means to drive inclusion and accessibility for people with disability within its community.

Note that this resource does not propose that one approach will function effectively across varying solutions. Rather it recognises the various contextual differences that occur across various communities and provides general elements that local governments can apply to good results.

This resource thoroughly considers the various challenges faced by local governments as they aspire to drive inclusion. In turn, it provides a viable framework for new actions.

Who Is this Resource for?

This resource comes as a relevant tool for all local governments within Australia. It is not just applicable or restricted to small local governments. Instead, it also applies to large metropolitan. It is also applicable to all local governments within Australia regardless of their demographic.

This resource remains relevant to elected members, staff and executive members of local governments. It provides an effective and comprehensive guide as they look to manoeuvre their way through increasing social and economic opportunities for people with disabilities within their community.

This resource is also useful for those looking to partner with local governments to drive inclusion for people with disability. As such, businesses, community organisation, and various other levels of government will find this resource useful.

What Structure Does this Resource Take?

This resource takes a six-step structure that provides users with a comprehensive framework of all considerations when looking to promote the social and economic development of people with disability. This structure is as follows:

  • Engage: Interaction with people with disability to understand their needs
  • Plan: Developing and implementing an action plan to meet the identified needs 
  • Build: Developing the capacity of the workforce 
  • Collaborate: Establishing a wide network of partnerships to deliver results 
  • Advocacy: Advocating for more awareness both outside and within the sector 
  • Employ: Improving local employments 

Definition of Key Terms


This involves a situation where all members of the community enjoy equal opportunity to the use and enjoyment of community property, service, and facility. For instance, ensuring that public places have an entrance that supports the use of people with disability.


This involves a situation where people with disability are allowed to participate fully and without any restriction in various activities irrespective of their conditions. These activities cut across their political, economic, social life. 

Social & Economic Participation

This involves a situation where people with disability, including caregivers and their family members, have the same opportunity as others to participate in every aspect of economic and civic life.